SmartBuilder > Help Documentation > Objects > Text Input

Restrict characters allowed in text input object

You can restrict what characters a learner may type into a text input object.

There are two ways to restrict characters:

  1. Type all characters that ARE allowed into the Allowed Character window. In the example below, only the uppercase letters ABCD will be allowed. All other keystrokes will be ignored.
    allowed characters
  2. You can use RegExp (Regular Expression) syntax to save time specifying what characters are allowed. Here are some examples of syntax you can use.
Regex expression Description
a-zA-Z Allows all letters of the alphabet in lower and upper case. All other characters, such as spaces, numbers, and symbols, are ignored.
a-zA-Z0-9 Allows all letters of the alphabet in lower and upper case and all whole numbers.
a-zA-Z0-9- Same as above, plus negative non-decimal numbers.
a-zA-Z0-9 -

regex example
Same as above, plus spaces.