SmartBuilder > Help Documentation > Objects > Button

Button action blocks

Block Description
Shows the button Shows or hides the object
Hides the button Shows or hides the object
Enables or disables the button Enables or disables the button
sets button's selected state Sets the button state to selected/down if true, or normal if false
Shows or hides the button Shows or hides the object depending on the value provided.
sets button fill color Sets the object's fill color to the provided color tile or hexadecimal value
sets button line color Sets the object's line color to the provided color tile or hexadecimal value
sets button line width Sets the object's line width to the provided integer
sets button text color Sets the object's text color to the provided color tile or hexadecimal value
sets button transparency Sets the object's transparency to the provided integer
sets button text color Sets the object's label to the provided text
Returns button visibility Returns true if the object is visible, false if it is not visible
Returns button label Returns the label of the object as text
Returns button fill color Returns the fill color as a hexadecimal value
Returns button line color Returns the line color as a hexadecimal value
Returns button line width Returns the line width as an integer
Returns button enabled status Returns true if the object is enabled, false if it is disabled
Returns button transparency Returns the transparency as an integer
Returns button selected state Returns true if the button is in a selected/down state, or false if it is in a normal state