SmartBuilder > Help Documentation > Effects

Effects on visible objects

Effects can be used to draw attention to objects that are already visible, for example, by making them flash or expand and contract.

View sample effects

Set up effects on visible objects using action blocks

To apply effects:

  1. Click the Advanced › Effects action category and drag the apply effect block onto your action canvas.
    apply effect action block
  2. Fill the empty socket with the object reference block for the object you wish to affect; in this example, the “Begin” button.
    apply effect action block with object reference added
  3. Use the dropdown to select the effect you want to use. In this example, the page will load, then after 7 seconds, the “Begin” button will shake.
    apply effect shake
  4. Note The apply effect block comes attached to the Config block. You can use this to change the speed of the effect (in milliseconds) if desired. If you don’t want to change the speed, which defaults to 1 second, you can delete the Config block.