SmartBuilder > Help Documentation > Objects > Player Bar

Using a Player Bar with a Timeline, Audio, or Video

The player bar object can be used to control (e.g. pause, play, fast forward) the page timeline, or audio and video objects.

Controlling the timeline using a player bar

By default, when you add a player bar object to your page, it will control the timeline. No further actions are required to link the player bar to the timeline.

Note A page can only have one timeline; you cannot have separate timelines for different layers. However, you can link multiple player bars to video and audio objects on a single page. See how to set up a timeline animation.

Controlling an Audio, Video, or YouTube object using a player bar

  1. Select the Player Bar object.
  2. From the Player Bar's available action blocks, select the Player Bar Pair block.
    Video ID property
  3. Add this block to actions to pair the Player Bar with Audio or Video, or YouTube objects.
    Video ID property

Note Only one Audio or Video, or YouTube object can be controlled by the Player Bar at a time.