Run reports in the SmartTracker LRS

SmartTracker is an integrated hosting and tracking service for SmartBuilder lessons. SmartTracker has a built-in LRS (Learning Record Store). SmartBuilder lessons can also be configured to integrate with third-party LMSs and LRSs.

  1. Click Publish. publish button
  2. Update the Lesson Activity ID to a unique URI.
  3. Check Upload to SmartTracker and click Finish.
    lesson publish smarttracker options
  4. Click View on SmartTracker, or Copy Link.
    publish window smart tracker and url
  5. Either test the lesson yourself, or have your learners access your lesson to generate data.
  6. Return to SmartTracker through the SmartBuilder Portal and view the lessons list.
    smart tracker lessons list
  7. From here, use the Reports button next to the lesson to select a report to view.
    smart tracker lessons reports button and menu

The Question Results Report shows information regarding statements with the verb "answered" across all users.

smart tracker question results report

The Learner Report shows information regarding different learners, such as completion and score, as well as individual responses to questions.

smart tracker learner report

The Activity Details Report shows all the low level calls for the selected lesson. This is mostly used for debugging.

smart tracker activity details report